It’s funny. As a Waukesha web design artist I closely monitor ranking and placement of dozens and dozens of websites on a daily basis. For the past 18 months or so Google claims to be on a rampage to eliminate web spam by identifying individuals/websites who manipulate their rankings through artificial links and aggressive use of keywords. None of the websites that I manage for Waukesha and Milwaukee clients have been affected. However, it appears that Google may be handing us a line when it comes to the metrics they use.
Lately I have watched in bewilderment as various websites earned an increase in placement — websites that are jammed and written with so many keywords that the content is barely discernible… The sites also have hundreds of links from forums and other unnatural places. What gives? These are the exact examples that Google claims to be watching closely for to punitively sanction, yet for some reason these Waukesha web design firms are being rewarded for violating Google’s newly written code. As a reputable Waukesha web designer I listen closely and pay heed to warnings from Google, but apparently their words do not match what the search results are showing. As such, this post is a test of sorts…
If I compose this post and use the term “Waukesha web design” and/or “Waukesha web designer” several times it actually increases the keyword ratio for those words. If it works for other Waukesha web designers it should work for me too, right? Now what I won’t do is go out and direct hundreds of new backlinks at the website, but I am going to do a little dabbling of sorts.
It used to be that I could visit a few forums and post some links to a given website, even contextual links like website design in Waukesha, and it would have almost an immediate positive result. It was too easy, actually, and that is why things began to get out of hand and Google came down with the big hammer – or so they say…
Now I do know several people who have had their websites slammed and they no longer rank very well at all. As a matter of fact, you’d be lucky to find them anywhere on the first 6-8 pages of the search results. Many times the search engine giant will penalize a website and put it in the “sandbox” – which means it is de-indexed from the search results completely. Anyhow. My test is about concluded and it is time to sit back and watch what happens? I’ll keep you all updated :-)